Vice Chancellor’s Message

Prof. Gurmail Singh
Vice Chancellor
Akal University
Envisioned to establish a Centre of Excellence at par with best Universities in the world, the Akal University is entering its sixth year with commitment of providing value-based quality education, learning, and research at highest international level of excellence. The University is making steady and satisfactory progress in this direction. The dynamic and outstanding faculty, innovative pedagogical practices, modern and state-of-art infrastructure, drug free campus and honours school integrated programmes in basic and fundamental sciences, commerce and languages at Bachelor and Master Levels are the hallmark of the academic standards of this University. The main aims are to create core competencies in communication, critical thinking, reasoning and capacity to work across cultures, languages and traditions to epitomize a true 21st century University.
With rapid explosion of information technology, mass media and globalization of world economy, insular existence is no longer feasible. Consequently, the dynamics of education have undergone qualitative changes in the recent past. The evolving higher education system in the country is producing mere literates, devoid of our rich heritage of ancient wisdom of moral, ethical, and spiritual values. The drug menace is aggravating agonies of young generation.
In its endeavor to adhere to the path of ‘Sarbat Ka Bhala’ as envisioned by the Sikh Gurus, the university is committed to make value based education accessible and affordable by providing liberal scholarships to the meritorious and deserving poor students. Needless to mention here that last year half of the students admitted have been awarded scholarships.
To spread the message of Sikh philosophy enshrined in the holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the University is committed to train students as future missionaries to carry the message of Guru Nanak in every nook and corner of the world. The University offers a unique Bachelor Degree in Sri Guru Granth Sahib studies . Besides the formal teaching of religious scriptures in class rooms, the day to day life activities are planned keeping in view the objective of moulding them according to Sikh way of life as set forth by 10th Sikh Master Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. This course is free of cost.
If you dream of receiving high quality value based modern education in drug free and fully safe environment, the Akal University is the right place to fulfill your aspirations. Thanks for having your keen interest in the university. It will be a great pleasure for us to welcome you at the esteemed Akal University!